Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday at the farm

Thank you for all your advice and sympathy on the night wakings. I'm feeling much better, especially after a weekend when Jeremy is home from work and I can sleep in. Sawyer will sleep through the night someday, I know he will. We don't feel a need to train or teach him other than to comfort him and let him fall back to sleep how he wants to. Ian slept (12 hours) through the night starting at 13 months so I know Sawyer will get there too.

I know throughout parenting, we are always denying our wants, in some way, in order to provide (food, shelter, comfort, trust etc...) for our children. And some times it just takes reminding ourselves of that when particular days are really hard. I think my blog post was that. I have been wanting to do so many things like writing more here, sewing, etc... but Sawyer reminds me that it's just not time, that he still needs me more often than other kids his age might. It felt good to let all that go when I sat down to write.... that it's okay to let the laundry sit, to not update a blog as often as I'd like, and to just enjoy the days as they come. But thank you, thank you... I know you've all been there before and that in itself helps.

On Sunday we took a friend's idea (thanks Karli!) and when to Hood River to visit a couple farms. We went to a lavender farm and a cherry farm. Our car smelled incredible on the way home!

There were thousands of bees pollinating the lavender and the boys couldn't take their eyes off of them. There was this low humming sound everywhere.

Sawyer is walking everywhere now!

And I love his little squats when he's taking a rest.

Mt. Hood

We discovered a big wooden swing at the cherry farm we went to next.

The boyz.

Petting the goats. It was hot but turned out to be a great visit.



Bonnie and Fred said...

My grandsons are growing toooooo fast. Slow down. Great pics. Thank you.

Bonnie and Fred said...

Wow, I didn't know Sawyer was walking! How nice! Ian is getting so tall! I love the Lavender fields. Cute pic of the Boyz! Gramma Conn

Annagrace said...

How beautiful and fun that looks! Next year I have big plans for us re: fruit, jam, etc. This year is my year to be patient...

And I know exactly what you mean--sometimes you just need to get all the feelings out of your head and onto paper and it doesn't always mean that there's really any solution. Doing it is the most cathartic thing. It's also why I have a love/hate relationship with non-anonymous blogging, but you're braver and more gracious than I!

Karli Del Biondo said...

HI Andrea, I'm so glad you guys went, even though it was hot. Isn't it great that these beautiful places are right outside of our city?

Did you buy any cherries?

Adam and Raechell said...

How beautiful are those pics!?!?! Oh, my word...the boys are gorgeous! Sam, Alex and I just got done squealing at every picture. The boys are getting so big! Amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Where they at all afraid of all the bees or were they so busy that they didn't notice the people around them?