Ian helped me plant some strawberries yesterday in an old barrel pot. Our neighbor gave us some starts from his garden and there was no way I was going to turn him down. Now we'll have raspberries, blueberries, AND strawberries from our backyard this summer. Weeee!
And because my brain refuses to work this week from lack of sleep (I won't point any fingers but it's not Jeremy, Ian, or I that like to get up every couple of hours at night.. ahem) there'll be no witty or intelligent posts from me for you to read through. So I'm posting about chickens so you all don't run off and forget about me and read the really really good stuff that's out there.

While it's nearly impossible to get a decent picture from them now, you can still see how much they've changed. They are doing great and are about a week or two away from moving outside. Of course, that's if we get their coop built that soon. We have a little motivation though.... they uh... stink. Gone are the cute fuzzy little critters where ne'er on odor came from their nether regions. In their place are honest to goodness farm-smellin' chickens. I try to remind them that we are not a farm but between the clucking and the straw that is strewn all over the floor from their dust bathing, I'm not sure it's very convincing.
We're off to the waterfront this afternoon for the beginning of the Rose Festival week. Have a great weekend!
Oh, My, Gosh the chicks are becoming chickens fast! :p I can't even imagine how quickly you would like to get them out back. LOL
Ian is going to love that dino place! Hope you all have lots of fun.
Yep, those are definitely looking like chickens! Hope you don't have to put up with the smell too much longer!! :)
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