Friday, January 29, 2010

Cornmeal and quilts

Reason # 52 why I love my Vitamix: in a pinch, making cornmeal out of popcorn. Perfect.


And after 4 hours at the fabric store I finally picked out my fabrics for my quilt. I never expected it to take me so long but it was really worth it. I'm excited to start cutting out the squares and rectangles and start to see the top come together. Hoping it all looks as good together when it's sewn as it does in my head.



tonia said...

oooh i love the little white one with the red flower print! so sweet!

can't wait to see it all put together!

Linda said...

Great job Andrea. I love the little flowers too. I am always drawn to anything with tiny flowers.
I think the quilt is going to be beautiful.

Adam and Raechell said...

Oh, wow. A quilt. That will be an amazing project. Can't wait to see the finished product.;)

Justin and Julie said...

Andrea, I really like it ... can't wait to be seeing it come together. Corn meal out of corn, who would have thought!!!